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Мойка Annovi Reverberi Blue Clean AR 490

Annovi Reverberi Blue Clean AR 490
— производитель: Annovi Reverberi (Аннови Ривербери)
— модель: Blue Clean AR 490
— бытовая мойка
— давление до 140 бар
— для сети 220/230 В В
— производительность 420 л/час
— потребляет 2.1 кВт⋅ч
— артикул BS0-1872

Характеристики и обзор Annovi Reverberi Blue Clean AR 490

Я сразу понял, что она идеальна :), это бытовая мойка Аннови Ривербери, полное название модели Annovi Reverberi Blue Clean AR 490. Эта мойка у меня уже 10 месяцев, могу сделать некоторые выводы и сформировать позитивное мнение. Итак, она на все 100% выполняет возложенные на неё функции, недостатка в мощности не наблюдалось, рабочее давление в среднем до 140 бар, расход воды по паспорту 420 л/час, потребляемая максимальная мощность 2.1 кВт⋅ч в пределах разумного для такого аппарата. Комплектация выше среднего, не скажу, что чего-то не хватает, но как всегда может быть лучше. Смотрите полный видеообзор ниже.

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AR Blue Clean Assembly Instructions:
Although your AR Blue Clean unit may be different from the one used in this video, these instructions will help you assemble and operate your unit.
Make sure machine is turned off by placing the starter switch in the Off or O position.
Connect the threaded end of the high pressure hose to the unit. This will be on the front or back of the machine.
Connect the silver metal end of the high pressure hose to the spray gun. You will hear it click into place. Make sure the spray gun is in the locked position. Later on, when you are ready to start cleaning, this will be released.
Insert the nozzle into the spray gun by pushing together and turning clockwise. To remove later, turn it counter clockwise.
To connect the garden hose to the machine, thread the blue and black adapter to the end of your garden hose. Now thread the clear filter adapter to the machine. If dirt is visible in the filter, remove and back flush to clean.
If your unit didn't come with a two piece filter adapter, and it came with an adapter like this, that threads onto the machine at the pump inlet, and then the hose is threaded directly on. Note the pump and hose marking, so you put it on correctly.

AR Blue Clean Operating Instructions
Unwind the power cord completely, and plug the GFCI into a grounded 120 Volt outlet. Press the reset button on the GFCI plug. This will have to be done each and every time it is plugged in.
Attach the garden hose to the machine. This will be on the front or back of the unit.
Make sure the high pressure hose it attached to the machine and the spray gun, and now turn on the water supply at the faucet.
Release the safety lock on the spray gun, and while pointing it in a safe direction, squeeze the trigger gun until there is a steady stream of water, letting the water and air out of the hose.
Turn the starter switch to the On or Off position. The motor and pump should now be ready to run, and provide a high pressure spray.
Pull the trigger on the spray gun to activate the total stop system, turning the machine on, and now you can start cleaning. Releasing the spray gun automatically turns the unit off.
Select desired spray pattern by twisting the nozzle, going from a 45 degree fan spray for delicate items all the way to a 0 degree straight laser spray for a more intense spray, or for reaching up high.
Always test first in an inconspicuous area to make sure you don't damage the surface.
For detergent application, fill the soap bottle with the desired cleaner, and attach to the trigger gun after removing the wand assembly. Always test detergent first to make sure it is compatible with the surface being cleaned.
Pull the trigger, and start the detergent spray onto the surface to be cleaned.
Reverse the processes to shut down, and remember to keep the unit from freezing during the offseason.
Before you start cleaning, refer to the manual for detailed instructions and safety precautions, as models may vary.
We Compare 2 AR Blue Clean Consumer Pressure Washers.
The 142 is smaller, 200psi less pressure, but it has more attachments, and is cheaper.
The 390 has an onboard chemical tank, is built more sturdy, and has a hose reel.
Figure out which one works for you, and pick it up here at toolbarn.comПенная насадка или пенокомплект для бесконтактной мойки на минимойки Stihl, Karcher, Bosch, Lavor, Black&Dacker, Nilfisk, Kranzle, Portotecnica, AnnoviReverberi, Elmos (Элмос), Bosch (Бош), Makita (Макита), Delvir (Дэлвир), Nilfisk (Нилфиск) и т.д.
Всего просмотров: 938
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Оценка Annovi Reverberi Blue Clean AR 490 на Bravisan.ru: 1 из 5 на основании 63 голосов.

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  • Металическая или пластиковая помпа: за и против.

Тест и видеообзор Annovi Reverberi Blue Clean AR 490

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Bravisan.ru Мойки Annovi Reverberi Annovi Reverberi Blue Clean AR 490