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Мойка Green Field GF20M280-11

Green Field GF20M280-11
— производитель: Green Field (Грин Филд)
— модель: GF20M280-11
— профессиональная мойка
— давление до 280 бар
— производительность 1260 л/час
— потребляет 11 кВт⋅ч
— артикул BS0-24687

Характеристики и обзор Green Field GF20M280-11

Сегодня у нас на обзоре профессиональная мойка Грин Филд, полное название модели Green Field GF20M280-11. Эта мойка у меня уже 9 месяцев, могу сделать некоторые выводы и сформировать позитивное мнение. Итак, она на все 100% выполняет возложенные на неё функции, недостатка в мощности не наблюдалось, рабочее давление в среднем до 280 бар, расход воды по паспорту 1260 л/час, потребляемая максимальная мощность 11 кВт⋅ч в пределах разумного для такого аппарата. Комплектация выше среднего, не скажу, что чего-то не хватает, но как всегда может быть лучше. Смотрите полный видеообзор ниже.

New York City Councilman David G. Greenfield makes impromptu remarks on the floor of the council moments after Pro-Palestine activists protested the commemoration of 1.1 million people killed in Auschwitz. Greenfield is the grandson of holocaust survivors.
He can be followed on Twitter at @NYCGreenfield and at Facebook.com/David.G.GreenfieldSong by The Fureys and Davey Arthur. Written By Eric Bogle.Baroness Susan Greenfield CBE Hon FRCP, Member, House of Lords, United Kingdom, Professor of Synaptic Pharmacology, Lincoln College, Oxford University presents this lecture: How does the brain generate consciousness? This video was recorded at The Australian National University on 30 August 2010, and was the keynote speech at a John Curtin School of Medical Research symposium: New Perspectives in Clinical Neuroscience and Mental Health.

Susan Greenfield was both an undergraduate and graduate at Oxford, but has subsequently spent time in postdoctoral research at the College de France, Paris, with Professor J Glowinski and at the New York University Medical Centre, New York, with Professor R Llinas. As a consequence of working in both biochemical and electrophysiological environments she has developed a multidisciplinary approach to exploring novel neuronal mechanisms in the brain that are common to regions affected in both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. The basic theme of her research is to develop strategies to arrest neuronal death in these disorders.

She is also co-founder of a university spin-out company specialising in novel approaches to neurodegeneration, - Synaptica Ltd In addition, Professor Greenfield has a supplementary interest in the neuroscientific basis of consciousness, and accordingly has written 'Journey to the Centres of the Mind Toward a Science of Consciousness' (1995) W H Freeman Co, and 'Private Life of the Brain' (2000) Penguin. Her latest book 'Tomorrow's People: How 21st Century technology is changing the way we think and feel' (Penguin 2003), explores human nature, and its potential vulnerability in an age of technology.

In addition, she is also Director of the Institute for the Future of the Mind, part of the James Martin 21st Century School, which exploits the parallels between the brains of the very young and very old, and how they are all vunerable to technology, chemical manipulation, and disease.

She has also written 'The Human Brain': A Guided Tour (1997) Orion-Phoenix Press, which ranked in the best seller list for hard and paperbacks.

She held the Gresham Chair of Physic from 1996-1999, and has received 28 honorary degrees. In 1998 she was awarded the Michael Faraday medal by the Royal Society and in 1999 was elected to an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians. She is also involved in science policy and has given a consultative seminar to the Prime Minister on the future of science in the UK. Susan has been involved in the 'Science and the Economy' seminars at No 11 and in response to a request in 2002 from the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, she produced the Greenfield Report 'SET Fair: A Report on Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology'. She was awarded the CBE in the Millennium New Year's Honour's List and Life Peerage (non-political) in 2001. In 2003 she was awarded the Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur.My first music video. I wanted to do something with this song which is my favourite and most moving songs of one of my favourite bands, The Dropkick Murphys.
I've removed and blocked comments because it made me weep to see how many people wanted to claim that THEIR world, or in particular THEIR America, was the RIGHT America. When people of a nation can't even get along and act civil towards one another how can they even begin to comprehend dealing with other nations and TELLING them how to live rather than displaying an example of harmonious society and humanity.
This was not the reason for making this... and I hang my head in shame that this is all it's done.
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  • В инструкции указано, что мойка создает давление воды до 280 бар, что это значит? На что влияет этот параметр и какой оптимальный показатель для домашней эксплуатации?
  • Увы, вышла из строя моя минимойка :( Беглый осмотр выявил неисправность пистолета, к кому обращаться по поводу ремонта? Гарантия закончилась
  • Какая технология забора воды у данной модели мойки Грин Филд, могу ли я брать воду из бочки или резервуара дождевой воды без подключения к городскому водопроводу? Я так понимаю, что мне нужно будет дополнительно приобрести всасывающий шланг с фильтром и обратным клапаном?
  • Хочу купить для дачи, иногда машину помыть, вода из колодца, подойдет ли этот аппарат или искать что-то попроще? Ориентир на цену, дорогие экземпляры откидываю сразу. Обязательно должна быть в комплекте пенная насадка для бесконтактной мойки.
  • Знаю, что минимойка не может работать длительное время без отдыха, перегревается и соответственно ломается, не могу найти в паспорте какое время беспрерывной работы GF20M280-11 заложено производителем
  • Как заменить/почистить фильтр Green Field для очистки воды? Как часто нужно проводить эту процедуру?
  • Металическая или пластиковая помпа: за и против.

Тест и видеообзор Green Field GF20M280-11

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Bravisan.ru Мойки Green Field Green Field GF20M280-11